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Russia warns of ‘catastrophic consequences’ if US and North Korea plunge the world into nuclear war

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RUSSIA has warned a potential war on the Korean Peninsula would have "catastrophic consequences" after Pyongyang threatened to shoot down US bombers.

Russia's foreign ministry said it is "working behind the scenes" to find a political solution to the escalating crisis between America and North Korea, according to a senior diplomat from the Kremlin.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un gave a rare public address in response to Trump's remarks at the UN

Trump has escalated current tensions with North Korea by labelling Kim Jong-un 'rocket man'

Russia's President Vladimir Putin during a meeting on September 23 as his country warns of dangers of potential conflict

Trump has 'not declared war on North Korea' and the suggestion 'is absurd

The two countries have been at loggerheads for nearly 70 years, but the tension has been ramped up by North Korea's repeated missile tests.

The rhetoric between the police state and Trump administration has also becomeincreasingly derogatory and threatening - dictator Kim Jong-un was branded a "rocketman on a suicide mission" by Trumpat the United Nations last week.

In response, the dictatorship called Trump mentally unstable and a "dotard", before yesterday claiming the US had "declared war" on the hermit state.

Speaking to the news agency RIA, Mikhail Ulyanov, the head of the non-proliferation and arms controls department at Russia's foreign ministry, warned about the dangers of a potential conflict.

He also said the US approach was at a "dead end" and the tool of sanctions against Kim Jong-un had almost been exhausted.

Yesterday North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho said Pyongyang could target US jets flying outside its airspace.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un inspecting a fighter plane in 2014. His regime has accused the US of declaring war

Ri Yong Ho claimed North Korea would now be justified in shooting down US jets

Trump has 'not declared war on North Korea' and the suggestion 'is absurd White House Press Secretary claims

Ri Yong Ho told journalists that Trump's comments amounted to a declaration of war

Kim Jong-un last tested a Hwasong-12 missile on September 12

Kim Jong-un hit back at Trump, labelling him 'deranged' and a 'dotard'

North Korea's foreign minister says Donald Trump has 'declared war' and Pyongyang has a right to take 'countermeasures'

"Trump claimed our leadership would not be around much longer," he told reporters in New York.

"He declared a war on our country."

The White House blasted what it called "absurd" claims that Trump's post amounted to a declaration of war.

US bombers flew off the east coast of North Korea on Saturday the furthest north of the demilitarised zone that any American aircraft has flown this century.

According to South Korean military sources, Kim Jong-un has now been bolstering coastal defences.

At a rally in Alabama Trump told supporters last week: "This shouldn't be handled now but I'm going to handle it because we have to handle it.

"Little Rocket Man, we're going to do it because we really have no choice, we really have no choice."

North Korea sparked international condemnation when they launched a Hwasong-12 missile in September over Japan.

North Korea fires missile off its east coast towards the sea of Japan



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