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When is the end of the world? Planet X and other doomsday theories explained – and what the scientific evidence shows


FOR as long as mankind has walked the earth, the human race has been predicting and discussing when the world will end and what may cause it.

Recently, conspiracy theorists argued a mysterious planet called Nibiru would smash into the Earth on September 23, 2017. Let’s take a closer look at the different “End of Days” theories – both crackpot and rational.

Humans have been trying to predict the end of the world since the start of recorded history


What was the September 23 theory?

David Meade, a Christian numerologist, first predicted that Planet X or Nibiru was hurtling towards the Earth and would wipe out humanity on September 23, 2017.

But after his ridiculous prediction, based on hidden numerical codes supposedly hidden within the Bible, failed to happen, Meade has changed his barmy claims.

Meade told The Sun Online that people have misunderstood his prophecy and the doomsday will take place over a period of seven years starting in October.

The seven-year transition period will include solar flares that could destroy electricity grids, nuclear attacks, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis, according to the imaginative numerologist.

When did Sir Issac Newton think the world was going to end?

Despite being the godfather of modern physics, including discovering the law of gravity, Issac Newton was also a religious man who was interested in the occult.

As a result, his prediction that humanity would be wiped out by the year 2060 was solely based on his deeply-held faith in Christianity.

He based his theory on the Bible’s Book of Daniel and calculated the date of the apocalypse as being exactly 1,260 years after the formation of the Holy Roman Empire.

A recently published letter by Newton, which was auctioned in 1939 after sitting unseen in a trunk for 250 years, went on display at Israel’s national library.

Newton’s prediction on the document also claims the world will end after “Jews” were returned to the Holy Land – something which happened in 1948 following the creation of Israel.

Will the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) destroy the Earth?

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The LHC, located at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, can recreate the “Big Bang” in its underground facility in Switzerland.

As a result, some theorists have claimed the giant proton-colliding machine could create black holes which could swallow the Earth.

But while admitting that black holes could be created, CERN scientists claimed that any gravity-pulling voids would be too small to make any kind of impact.

Despite the dangers, the LHC was turned on in 2008 and the world is still intact.

Yet the boffins at CERN are not without a sense of humour.

Indeed, the facility is home to a two-metre-tall statue of Lord Shiva, a gift from the Indian government, who is known as the “destroyer of worlds.”

What is the Doomsday argument?

First popularised in the latter half of the 20th century, this theory is based on mathematic probability and estimates there is a 95% chance the human race will end in 9120 years.

Many theorists use the analogy of a lottery. If you were given ticket number five in the lottery it is statistically more probable that the game is made up of ten tickets than 10 million tickets.

And because there have been around 100 billion people born since the start of the human race it is statically probable that we are in the middle of the cycle rather than at the start.

This is because if the human race continues to maintain its current rate of reproduction and survives for thousands of years, the population will be in the high trillions which would not be sustainable, theorists argue.

When will the Earth be swallowed by the sun?

In around five billion years, the sun will turn into a red giant star caused by a helium-burning process.

It will expand and swallow Mercury and Venus and most likely Earth as well.

Whether our planet is consumed or not, the movement of the sun will mean the end of life on Earth.

The human race will have to figure out a way of leaving the planet to a more habitable home.

Another theory centres around the fact that when stars turn into red giants, their movement causes other planets in their solar systems to become habitable.

As a result, our technologically advanced future relatives could figure out a way of moving Earth to a more habitable part of the system.



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